Do Attic Insulation Installation Companies Provide Energy Efficiency Services?

Finding the right company to improve your home's insulation can be a daunting task. Clean Energy Connection is a free service that connects homeowners with qualified contractors, and Energy Saver founder Larry Janesky talks about the importance of attic insulation in the home. Most houses, even the newest ones, just don't have enough insulation to protect your living space from extreme temperatures. At Energy Saver, we provide comprehensive home insulation solutions to address issues such as uncomfortable rooms and high energy bills.

We can upgrade low-performance wall insulation to eliminate cold winter drafts and energy waste, as well as seal leaks in the envelope of a house's building to help insulation work more effectively. Our distributors offer a variety of insulation options, and we can help you find the right type for your needs. Not sure where to start? Your local insulation company, which is part of the Dr. Energy Saver network, will evaluate your home and recommend the best insulating materials and locations to solve your problems. When properly installed by professionals like ours, insulation is a unique home improvement that requires no maintenance.

Insulating your home provides resistance to heat flow and reduces heating and cooling costs. Properly insulating your home not only reduces heating and cooling costs, but also improves comfort. Since the most common types of insulation (fiberglass, cellulose, mineral wool) have an R-value of approximately 3 to 3.5 per inch, it's easy to estimate the R-value your attic insulation currently has. We give priority to companies with a history of positive feedback to help you find a company you'll be glad you called to improve your home. Low levels of insulation in the attic and air leaks mean that air conditioning and heating systems have to work harder, wasting energy and causing discomfort in the home during summer and winter. Heating and air conditioning experts can help you determine what type of attic insulation is best for the North American climate and for your home needs.

One of the most important things you can do as part of your ENERGY STAR certified home renovation is to make sure your attic is well sealed and properly insulated to reduce air leaks that contribute to energy waste and make your home less comfortable. To choose the best insulation for your home from the many types of insulation that exist on the market, you will need to know where you want or need to install the insulation and what R value you want it to achieve with the installation. The right insulation material for the attic or roof is important, but it must also be properly installed. Trust ENERGY STAR to make your energy decisions count for a clean energy future, with information on how to measure your levels, choose the right type of insulation, and hire an insulation contractor. Attic insulation services are necessary when your home has temperature imbalances, high energy bills, or if your attic lacks adequate insulation.

In addition, if your house is more than 10 years old, you will probably need more insulation in the attic of your North American home. Installing good attic and roof insulation is a major home improvement, as it can increase your home's comfort level and help you save on your energy bills. With Clean Energy Connection's free service connecting homeowners with qualified contractors, finding an experienced professional who can provide quality energy efficiency services has never been easier.