Insulating Your Home: Is Higher or Lower Insulation Better?

The R-value is a term used in the construction industry to measure how well a material can prevent heat flow into and out of a house. It is the measure of how well a product resists conductive heat flow, one of the three ways heat can be transferred. The higher the R-value, the greater the strength and the better thermal insulation power. But is a higher or lower R-value better when it comes to energy efficiency?In general, a greater thickness of insulation will increase the R-value proportionately.

However, as the thickness installed in the loosely filled insulation increases, the sedimented density of the product increases due to the compression of the insulation by its own weight. This compression means that the R-value of the loosely filled insulation does not change proportionately with the thickness. To determine how much insulation you need for your climate, consult a local insulation contractor. The R value is a measure of the insulation's ability to withstand the heat that passes through it. The higher the R value, the better the thermal performance of the insulation.

Different insulation materials offer different R values, and an attic inspection can help determine if you need completely new products or a simple refill. To choose the best insulation for your home from the many types of insulation that exist on the market, you will need to know where you want or need to install the insulation and what R value you want to achieve with the installation. Installing insulation is a great way to reduce heating and cooling costs while improving the comfort of your home. Insulating your attic is like wearing a hat during winter: it helps control internal temperature and prevents cold outside air from entering. In summer months, attic insulation is like a wide-brimmed hat or baseball cap: it prevents heat from entering main rooms of house and keeps you cooler. The attic and roof cavity are part of a larger home temperature management system, and proper insulation, ventilation, and maintenance of attic have huge impact on indoor comfort.

Whether you add insulation to your home or replace it completely, properly insulating it will greatly improve your overall energy savings. To sum up, installing more insulation in your home increases R value and resistance to heat flow. The higher R value, the better thermal performance of insulation. Different insulation materials offer different R values, so an attic inspection can help determine if you need completely new products or a simple refill. Installing insulation is a great way to reduce heating and cooling costs while improving comfort of your home.