How Much Can You Save by Upgrading Your Home's Insulation?

Upgrading your home's insulation can be a great way to reduce energy costs while making your home more comfortable year-round. On average, you can save up to 20% on your home's heating and cooling costs or up to 10% on your total energy costs if you add insulation to attics, floors, low spaces, and accessible basement edge beams, and reduce unwanted air leaks throughout the house. Even if you live in an older house, there's no reason for you to have to shiver during the winter or roast in the summer. If your house does not have enough insulation (something common in houses built before 1980, when energy awareness began to become more widespread), adapting it to current standards will make it more comfortable throughout the year.In addition, you'll save between 10% and 50% on heating and cooling bills.

An uninsulated attic can reduce your home's energy efficiency, which translates to an increase in utility bills. The attic is a good starting point, because adding insulation there is quick, easy and cost-effective. So how much can you expect to save after improving your home's insulation? Once again, that will depend on where you live, the size and age of your home, and the existing insulation.The pros and cons of cellulose insulation are closely related to the material itself and to the way it is manufactured and installed. It's best to let a professional remove the old insulation, as they can safely remove any insulating material that may be full of mold or asbestos.

Therefore, in addition to insulating the top and sides of the house, it is also necessary to insulate the lower part, where energy loss of up to 30% can occur. According to the EPA, adding insulation to the attic and other spaces known to let in heat and air (for example, mezzanines and basements) can save about 15% on cooling and heating costs, representing, on average, 11% of total energy costs.It is advisable to install insulation in the space between the floor beams and above them to protect the living spaces below. The main reason for this is that insulation is priced per square foot and its installation is quite labor intensive. Structural insulation panels are often the most expensive to install, but that price comes with more energy efficient insulation that will save you more money in the long run.

The colder the climate, the higher the R value you want, since too little insulation won't insulate your home efficiently.The amount of savings achieved by improving insulation depends on many factors, such as where you live, the type of heating system you have, and the amount of insulation you add. So exactly how much money and energy can you expect to save by upgrading your home's insulation? In addition to different types of insulation available, attic insulation is also classified into different R values which measure thermal resistance. As with most things related to homeownership, the older your home is, the more difficult and expensive it will be to install insulation.Upgrading your home's insulation can be a great way to reduce energy costs while making your home more comfortable year-round. By adding adequate levels of insulation in attics, floors, low spaces and accessible basement edge beams as well as reducing air leaks throughout your house you can expect to save up to 20% on heating and cooling costs or up to 10% on total energy costs.

The amount of savings achieved will depend on many factors such as where you live, size of your home and existing insulation levels.It is important that a professional removes any old insulation that may contain mold or asbestos before installing new materials. Structural insulation panels are often more expensive but they provide better energy efficiency in the long run. The colder your climate is, the higher R value you should look for when choosing an insulation material.